IY eSolutions, search engine optimisation, Wordpress Development
IY eSolutions

In our 3 previous posts on top tips for SEO, Top tips for SEO, Top Tips for SEO 2 and Top Tips for SEO 3, we discussed how simple it is to optimise your web pages so that search engines can spider (‘read’) the site and, therefore, allow people to find them.

We have recently been working with a very SEO savvy client, tweaking their content and refreshing key pages. Now this did not require wholesale rewriting but just a few changes here and there to make the pages even more relevant.

This really is the fundamental of SEO and web marketing. If the website isn’t worth reading, no amount of clever meta development or link building is going to convert all that wonderful traffic into enquiries and/or orders.

Content is king. The ultimate SEO tool is your content.  Sound too obvious? Then think about the websites that you visit and why.

It won’t matter whether it is an e-commerce site,  a general interest site,  a photographic site or even a social media site. You visit it because it is interesting. So is your website interesting? Do you have content that people will wish to read? Have you changed the content in the last two months?

Clearly if the answer to any of these is ‘no’ then now is a good time to address that.