IY eSolutions, search engine optimisation, Wordpress Development
IY eSolutions

Responsive update for The Creative Coach

Following the launch of The Creative Coach website in October 2012, we were asked to make the site responsive for mobile devices.

No changes were required for the look and feel as only small amendments were required in the style sheet via the addition of media queries.… Read the rest

Clive Couldwell

Clive CouldwellThe website of the UK-based consultant, editor, journalist and author, Clive Couldwell, originally designed by Digitalplot, our strategic design partner, has been converted to a mobile device friendly theme using WordPress.

The theme captures the original design perfectly and the WordPress client interface has been retained for ease of use… Read the rest

P J Whiteley

P J Whiteley, WordPress development by Ian J Young of IY e-SolutionsWe were asked to develop a WordPress theme for our design partner Digitalplot.  The site was for the award winning author – P J Whiteley.

The responsive template was built to latest html standards with and the client interface was customised to match the clean lines which the client had specified for the website itself.… Read the rest

Crucible of Empire

Crucible of Empire - Punic Wars In this project the client wished the site to be transferred to a new hosting provider. The login details for the old provider were not available and the site had been archived in a complex manner.

We had to set about converting this to html format as the client no longer wanted a CMS.… Read the rest

Duntarvie the Venue

Duntarvie the Venue, WordPress development by Ian J Young of IY e-Solutions
Our client Geoffrey Kilts, asked us to convert a newly designed website to WordPress.

We also undertook search engine optimisation and top ten results were achieved for its major key words.Read the rest