IY eSolutions, search engine optimisation, Wordpress Development
IY eSolutions

For the many folks out there in design land who use Safari, they may be unaware that their content management system (CMS) may not be working as intended. You will know this if the text boxes in the CMS show html code instead of a WYSIWYG format.

This is now a simple affair to correct.
Prior to version 1.3, Safari lacked the ability to interface with FCKeditor. With newer versions this is now possible. With FCKeditor 2.5, the two are now compatible. Just go to FCKeditor for the lastest version, unpack it and upload to your server.

You will, of course need to ensure that the fckeditor.cfg file matches your CMS’s setup and that the folder name matches that in your site – otherwise it won’t be recognised by the code on each page.

I have to say that I don’t find the documention in FCKeditor very helpful and the samples even less so, which is why I have used Tinymce, a Javascript based editor for most other CMS applications that I have built. So saying, FCKeditor is easier to use where there is a need to have more than one text box on the page with different height, width combinations.