IY eSolutions, search engine optimisation, Wordpress Development
IY eSolutions

Ancientegyptamania – Online Shop

Having built the original Ancient Egyptamania website in 2013, which included a shop area, the client decided to upgrade to a Woocommerce online shop.

Online shopping options have developed massively since they first came on the scene – especially payment options.… Read the rest

Julie Flavell

Dr Julie Flavell is a historian with a life-long interest in the American Revolution. She has already written two books on that period of history.

She asked us to update her website with more impact and a more modern feel. We were delighted to oblige. … Read the rest

Seagull Trust Cruises Charity Bookshop

As part of our involvement with Seagull Trust Cruises, we were asked to assist with the development of the Seagull Trust Cruises Online Bookshop. In addition to configuring the e-Commerce area, we collated information on some 300 books – no mean feat.… Read the rest

Yorkshire Shetland Sheepdog Club – Out with the Old, in with the New

YSSC’s website was over ten years’ old and long overdue for an overhaul.

It had been built on Microsoft’s Frontpage and, as well as looking very outdated, had become unwieldy and not data friendly.

We opted for using the Sydney theme for speed of development.… Read the rest

Barry (JF) Kirwan

Sci-Fi and thriller author Barry Kirwan decided to combine his two websites into one which would showcase his two genres. Our design partner – DigitalPlot – came up with a stunning layout which included a full width header. The home page features a banner which has both sc-fi and thriller motifs.… Read the rest