IY eSolutions, search engine optimisation, Wordpress Development
IY eSolutions

WordPress – more than just a blog

Back in August 2010 I wrote an article on a theme of frequency in writing on your blog. Looks as if I haven’t been practising what I preach.

It really all depends on how what you see is the purpose of a blog.… Read the rest

Social media and SMEs

In yesterdays blog on how useful is Twitter as a business tool, we concluded that blogging is a more useful way of reaching our audience. An article in the Telegraph reports that 52 pc of respondents to a survey found that social media was useless for their business.… Read the rest

Bullying on Twitter

I recently wrote a piece on twitter as a business tool. Over this last weekend (16/17th Oct) one of the folks I was following was subject to an unacceptable campaign from a so called commentator. Although not targetted directly at the individual, allegations were made against a family member.… Read the rest

Twitter as a business tool?

A few weeks ago I wrote a piece on the merits of Facebook as an e-marketing tool and suggested that a well branded page on Twitter could help small business get their message across.

Having spent the last few months on Twitter, I am not so sure of its relevance for SMEs.… Read the rest

blogs as SEO tool?

When did you last make an entry on your blog?

Blogs have been around for some time and those of us involved in web marketing have been encouraging our clients to add blogs to their websites as a means of getting their message to a wider audience.… Read the rest