IY eSolutions, search engine optimisation, Wordpress Development
IY eSolutions

This past week, I have been making some amendments to a new client’s website. Not one I designed, but it is a simple brochure site that clearly outlines the services on offer.
The changes were not all embracing but rather tweaks here and there. We added a couple of testimonial pages and overall improved how the copy read.

The most important addition was the ‘Call to action’ on each major page. The call to action was to contact the business for further information. In this case that was also linked to the contact page.

It is amazing how many websites, fail to have a call to action.  Your website may be the most visually stunning work but in a business context, if it doesn’t ask the visitor to do something then it might as well not be there at all.

The above example is the simplest. It is a brochure site, advertising its services and giving prospective customers a simple method of finding more information – the fact that the content is informative helps too (See Top Tips for SEO 4 – Content).

If you have an e-commerce site, the objective is to encourage people to visit the e-commerce section and purchase items.

It’s not rocket science. You would not write a glossy brochure without a encouraging its readers to contact you for further information, or to visit your premises and so on, so why would you not do the same on your website.

These are things that you can do so easily to your own website but if you would like to discuss further how to improve your website, contact us now.