IY eSolutions, search engine optimisation, Wordpress Development
IY eSolutions

When did you last make an entry on your blog?

Blogs have been around for some time and those of us involved in web marketing have been encouraging our clients to add blogs to their websites as a means of getting their message to a wider audience. Indeed there is much copy in the social media about the value of blogging for SEO purposes. We at IYES e-Solution disagree with that approach. Our reasoning in this is because blogging is not an SEO tool but about marketing. This may sound pedantic but it goes to the heart of the matter about SEO firms’ understanding of the difference between SEO and web-marketing.

Blogging is a marketing tool and the beauty of having a blog is that the website owner can update it without recourse to the SEO company. It is all about getting your message across – whatever that may be.

How often should you blog?

That is a question we are often asked. There is really no definitive answer here, once a day, once a week, once a month. It really depends on your market, your news and being able to set aside a few minutes to add something newsworthy to your site.

Content should always be relevant to your market place and potential customers and peers – a new contract, a new product, service, client. See DB Studio An event that you have attended with some feedback. Our client nest has been very successful with this approach.

Be controversial and ask questions that will make people want to read your blog and more importantly – return for more. Of course, the ultimate objective is for potential customers to buy your products or services so if you haven’t updated your blog recently go do so now.

If you need help with setting up a blog please contact us now.